All on Exhibition


Experiments in Concretism

The EMMA exhibition makes a bold attempt to enlighten the diversity of concrete art.


Émotions Terranaissantes

A solo exhibition by Elise Guillaume at L’Espace Croisé.


Exploring Solastalgia

Land Body Ecologies Festival is an collaborative event encompassing sound, touch, taste, and vision over four days.


The Preserving Machine

A lone robotic bird flies over an abandoned landscape.


Sensory mixes of the future

Sougwen 愫君 Chung’s new large-scale kinetic installation features a new multi-robotic Drawing Operations Unit.


Jeannette Ehlers: Black Bullets

A video work on the French colonial rule and Haitian revolution.


Skin deep

For the Asia-Europe 5 exhibition the skin is deep, and leaves a lasting impression.


The power of naming

Marguerite Humeau’s new sound piece Weeds aims to make silenced and invisible knowledge visible. The solo exhibition opens today.


Speaker park

Speaker Park steers thoughts away from the commercial hi-fi markets.


Men, masculinity and technology

Two recent independent exhibitions reflected masculinity. Neither of them too optimistically.


Long live the LP cover

The sound may be essential to music, but in making a brilliant album so is the cover. And no cover can compete with a LP cover.


Totality or nothing

When it is about everything, Louise Nevelson named it Totality. For the smaller collages she gave no name.


Eesti Rahva Muuseum

The new National Museum of Estonia is taking off from the old runway.


Creative non-adaptiveness

Children of the Flowers of Evil is an insightful trip to Estonian Decadent Art. A strong case for technological pessimism?


Skin deep

Berlinde de Bruyckere uses hanging and stacked animal hides to make us think of the delicate difference between being an animal and becoming mere material.


Chords for eyes

Of all (visual) arts, abstract art is best suited for posing ontological questions about art itself, and because of that, also for accompanying music.


The Refusal of Time

What Marcel Proust did 100 years ago with his pen, William Kentridge is doing now with his five-channel video installation: searching for the time.


Lahti Poster Triennial

It’s always a spiritually elevating experience to attend a poster exhibition. Unfortunately they aren’t that common. Rare art is equally underrated as poster art.


Edward Munch’s Dance of Life

“Life is not in fact a dance and metaphor is too vague to give much indication of what is intended.”


Victor Vasarely – Art Musically Formalized

Vasarely’s form-colour identity finds its counterpart in music. The form, the dimension and the comparative position of the Plastic Unit in the bidimensional space of a painting have their musical counterparts.


More material

Inner-Magazines has numerous previously published and unpublished articles in its archives, and all those will be added to these pages according to schedule.


More material

Inner-Magazines has numerous previously published and unpublished articles in its archives, and all those will be added to these pages according to schedule.