All on Enthusiasm


Oskar Heil Kithara

Heil Kithara moves air quickly and efficiently where it matters.


QSA fuses

Kai Ekholm reports of his personal impressions of the QSA fuses.


Revenge EL/PL36 SE Amp

Revenge TV sweep tube SE amplifier was designed to revive the lost chords of music.


Wilson Audio AlexxV

A short visit to a dealer shop offered an unforgettable experience.


The Contender

The PS-X9 may well be the best turntable Sony has ever manufactured. But how does it fare up against one of the best Technics TT’s ever?


Power Radio

VOIMARADIO – Dissident of stereo technology Tapio M. Köykkä 1911–1994.


BeoSound 3000

Architects got it right.


BeoLab 6000

A product is a product, the customer is a person.


Amphion Ion L & Lavardin & Rega

A system of high synergy. A review from the INNER archive.


Creaktive room tuning

Not all car owners want to wax their vehicle every Saturday. But some do. And likewise amongst audiophiles. This article on tuning was first published five years back.


A full-range ESL from Russia

The mighty Statik-2M electrostatic loudspeaker was born as a by-product of the military industry.


The legendary Lohstroh-Otala Amplifier revisited

Amplifier freaks may know The 2 Channel Audio amplifier, and even its forerunner The Lohstroh-Otala amplifier. Less well-known is that the latter gave rise to DIY-following soon after its introduction.


Musical value and its reproduction

In the article Jules L. Coleman criticizes putting the fidelity to the recording first and suggests that the true aim of our hobby should be some musical point.


Squaring the circle

In this interview Peter Qvortrup, Audio Note UK, tells about the goals of his company, and comments Jules Coleman’s article on immersive sound reproduction.


Texture defined

In everyday language “texture” means smoothness or roughness of the surface of an object. But what does it mean in regard to art, music, sound and audiophilia?


Honeyed, luxe, and aristocratic

A group of New York audiophiles gathered to hear Shindo-san’s amplifiers and taste the wines they’re named after.


On musical reproduction

” … mere sound is capable of expressing things, whether mental or extra-mental. And a good performance is a performance that unlocks that meaning, that lets the music speak or sing what it has to say.


A system that makes you feel good

The more wellness there is in the listener’s brains, the better the body feels.


Albert Hall chez vous

What hangs from the ceiling of Albert Hall London is EM Acoustics HALO pro-speakers. How do they sound in a typical listening room?


Vaughan’s OB1 – Part I, II, III & IV

Vaughan Warren reports of his experiments with a special open back speaker design, and its later incarnations.


What can be tested, must be tested

It is not entirely wrong to compare a hi-fi system to the tree of evolution. In both, all paths are shamelessly tried, some survive, others not. But where evolution in nature is brutal fight, evolution of a hi-fi system can provide endless joy of discovery.


The good old Dunlavy SC-VI powered by ASR & Brinkmann

One of the most convincing sounding audio systems that I’ve heard in the recent past.


More material

Inner-Magazines has numerous previously published and unpublished articles in its archives, and all those will be added to these pages according to schedule.