FeedSpot has chosen Inner-Magazines as one of the 40 Best Hi-Fi Magazines & Publications on the web (from numerous magazines ranked by traffic, social media followers etc.).

Majority of the chosen ones come from USA, Canada or UK. A few from Germany, one from Poland and one – Inner-Magazines – from Finland, one of the four or five Nordic Countries.
FeedSpot expert editorial panel reviews each blog before adding them to relevant category list. Ranking is based on: Relevancy, Industry blogs (those not favoring a specific brand) are given higher rank than blogs by individual brands(who often tend to promote their own products), Blog post frequency (freshness), Social media follower counts and engagements, Domain authority, Age of a blog, Alexa Web Traffic Rank and many other parameters.
FeedSpot Media Contact Database covers 250k active Bloggers, Podcasters and Youtubers, in 1500 niche categories, and as such may well be Internet’s Largest Human Curated Database of Bloggers and Podcasts.
The Founder of FeedSpot, Anuj Agarwal, told Inner-Magazines:
“I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 40 Hifi Magazines on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!”